Career Astrology – Guidance for best career

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We all have listened the same so many times from the mouth of different Pandit Ji’s and other Astrologer’s when we are passing through tough time. But the most important question is what other 8 planets are doing ? Are all of them are sleeping during Shani Sadesati ? Ofcourse Not. All the other planets are active in Transit and are givings their results also. You will see so many peoples gain success during Shani Sadesati & some will be in tough time. So only Shani will not give bad results till the other bad planets joins Shani. So think about it and don’t afraid the word Shani Sadesati. Just pray your isht and other planets that time including Shanidev to pass the tough time after discussing the Astrologer.


Though it is a topic of high research, still from my experience I am writing it in a Article. Everyone who is earning for a family want to secure their wealth for future use either the earning person is Wife Or Husband OR both. As I have seen so many birth charts of highly earning people finding that instead of high earning they are fail in securing money. The question here is most important – WHY ? Actually in business or in job the person who is engage is depositing his/her money in his/her own A/c without knowing that what his stars says. And this is the biggest mistake one does in his full life. Actually horoscope analysis is necessary for husband and wife both. But no one is intrested in other’s horoscope. Sometimes I found that the chart of Wife is too good for securing wealth with minimum expenses


If you are consulting with an Astrologer then let him/her tell what remedies you already doing, which gemstone/s you already wear, which yantra, locket, mantra jap you have with you. Because when we are facing tough time we consult here and there and perform so many remedies and at last result will be zero. So it is very very important to discuss about the previous remedial measures which you are doing with your consulting astrologer so that he could see which will be beneficiable for you and which will not.


God has given everything in our life by birth depending on our KARMAS which we have done in our Past Life. Biggest problem is that after taking rebirth we forget our past but God knows it & write it in the shape of our Kundli placing the positions of Stars & Nakshatra in the sky. Right from birth to the death we definitely passes through three phases in our life in every Mahadasha of the Planet and get results accordingly- Our Past Karmas-Our Karmas done after Birth-Karmas deposit for tough time on regular basis. Astrology now introduce itself to tell you that What is past, present and future ? Being a human we all have interest only to know future instead to know our Past. And for that we run towards in search of an astrologer to deal with our problems during the tough time same as we run for


Now a days astrology consultancy is becoming a much important part of our life. For every problem & decision we need expert advice to come out them. Our children are also the mirror of us and we all are worried to get them stand on the feet of success. But very few of us discuss about them in advance. Some times it has been seen that our child who was securing A or A+ grade regularly have suddenly No inclination towards study and gradually goes down to B or C grade. In that case either we will be very carefull for him/her otherwise we will be careless by thinking that “Ho Jayega” “Kar lega”. But sometimes nothing happened & situation becomes worst. This is the point for which Astrology help us to know about it & provide remedial action in advance. Astrology can predict everything about him/her right from nature


Now a days we all are seeing via online media like Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. that uncountable posts about the countless remedies are running. But never perform any remedy by just reading because any small remedey have the big power to change big. So it is necessary that without having discuss with an Astrologer don’t perform any remedy and don’t tell others also to perform it. Jai Mata Di

दशरथ कृत शनि स्तोत्र – हिन्दी पद्य रूपान्तरण

हे श्यामवर्णवाले, हे नील कण्ठ वाले। कालाग्नि रूप वाले, हल्के शरीर वाले।। स्वीकारो नमन मेरे, शनिदेव हम तुम्हारे। सच्चे सुकर्म वाले हैं, मन से हो तुम हमारे।। स्वीकारो नमन मेरे। स्वीकारो भजन मेरे।। हे दाढ़ी-मूछों वाले, लम्बी जटायें पाले। हे दीर्घ नेत्र वालेे, शुष्कोदरा निराले।। भय आकृति तुम्हारी, सब पापियों को मारे। स्वीकारो नमन मेरे। स्वीकारो भजन मेरे।। हे पुष्ट देहधारी, स्थूल-रोम वाले। कोटर सुनेत्र वाले, हे बज्र देह वाले।। तुम ही सुयश दिलाते, सौभाग्य के सितारे। स्वीकारो नमन मेरे। स्वीकारो भजन मेरे।। हे घोर रौद्र रूपा, भीषण कपालि भूपा। हे नमन सर्वभक्षी बलिमुख शनी अनूपा ।। हे भक्तों के सहारे, शनि! सब हवाले तेरे। हैं पूज्य चरण तेरे। स्वीकारो नमन मेरे।। हे सूर्य-सुत तपस्वी, भास्कर के भय मनस्वी। हे अधो दृष्टि वाले, हे विश्वमय यशस्वी।। विश्वास श्रद्धा अर्पित सब कुछ तू ही निभाले। स्वीकारो नमन मेरे। हे पूज्य देव मेरे।। अतितेज खड्गधारी, हे मन्दगति सुप्यारी। तप-दग्ध-देहधारी, नित योगरत अपारी।।

नवरात्रि में कन्या भोजन – रखें ध्यान इन बातों का।।

ध्यान रहे कि नवरात्रि में कन्या भोज में कोई भी कन्या अधिकांगी, हीनांगी एवं कुरूप ना हो। कन्याओं को प्रेम पूर्वक बुलाने के बाद उनके चरण धोए। चरण धोने के लिए एक परात में जल भरकर कुछ फूल उसमे डाल कर रखें और उसी में चरण धुलाकर साफ तौलिए से पौंछ दे। तत्पश्चात कन्या माता को उचित आसन पर स्थान दे। नवरात्रि कन्या भोज में कन्या 2 वर्ष से 9 वर्ष तक की बैठा सकतें हैं। उचित है कि उसी कन्या माता को बैठाया जाए जो भोजन ग्रहण कर सकें और आशीर्वाद दे सके। एक बालक को भी अवश्य बैठाएं । इस बालक को बटुक भैरव कहा जाता है। उसके भी पैर धुलाकर पोंछ कर उचित आसन दें और भोजन कराएं। सभी कन्या माताओं के स्थान ग्रहण करने के पश्चात उनकी आरती करें एवं उनको कुमकुम का तिलक एवं साबुत चावल लगाकर उनके हाथों में लाल कलावा बांध दें। भोजन

देव्‍यपराधक्षमापनस्‍तोत्रम्. – माँ दुर्गा से क्षमा मांगने के लिए एक बहुत ही प्रसिद्ध स्‍तोत्र है

जाने-अनजाने में हुई भूल के लिए देवी दुर्गा से क्षमा मांगने के लिए एक बहुत ही प्रसिद्ध स्‍तोत्र है देव्‍यपराधक्षमापनस्‍तोत्रम् सार यही है कि मां ममतामयी होती हैं, वे अपने पुत्रों के सारे अपराध क्षमा कर देती हैं, क्‍योंकि पुत्र तो कुपुत्र हो सकता है, पर माता कभी कुमाता नहीं होती. हे मात:! मैं तुम्‍हारा मंत्र, यंत्र, स्‍तुति, आवाहन, ध्‍यान, स्‍तुतिकथा, मुद्रा और विलाप कुछ भी नहीं जानता. परंतु सब प्रकार के क्‍लेशों को दूर करने वाला आपका अनुसरण करना ही जानता हूं ||1|| सबका उद्धार करने वाली हे करुणामयी माता! तुम्‍हारी पूजा की विधि न जानने के कारण, धन के अभाव में, आलस्‍य से और उन विधियों को अच्‍छी तरह न कर सकने के कारण तुम्‍हारे चरणों की सेवा करने में जो भूल हुई हो, उसे क्षमा करो, क्‍योंकि पूत तो कुपूत हो जाता है, पर माता कुमाता नहीं होती. ||2|| मां! पृथ्‍वी पर तुम्‍हारे सरल पुत्र तो अनक

Child Birth – Why We Are Facing Difficulty

Child Birth is the most important & most beautiful event in anyone’s life. Everyone wants to flow the life from one generation to another. But, now a days number of cases are being seen that who don’t have any child even after the 4 or 5 years of marriage OR also having difficulty in anyway. Most important thing to know here is that God has planned everything in our life but we want to execute our own plan infront of him & result will be failed. Actually in this advance era we don’t plan childbirth immediate after the marriage but to plan it either after 2,3 or 4 yrs. later. Most importantly remember one thing that when God plan our marriage at the same time he also gives the combinations of Child Birth Astrologically for few months. But we planned and then every plan failed or we face difficulty. Sometimes


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